I took a screenshot of my stats page today, looked up last year's
review and had the shock of my life. Sometime in the frame of 366 days, my blog somehow garnered
forty-one THOUSAND page views. How did that happen?
For all my readers, regular or sporadic, THANK YOU SO MUCH. You really made my year!
It really has been a crazy and fruitful year, and I'm not sure how I got through it all. All I can say is
thank you, God. And thank you, all of you who have stood by me this year, to listen to my endless whingeings and whinings.
The major highlights of the year have been:
Israel Houghton Concert: I took a trip down to Singapore in February for Israel Houghton's concert, stayed with my cousin, and managed to meet up with quite a few friends, new and old.
A to Z challenge: The fest saw me writing 26 pieces of flashfiction in April, one of which remains my top read post of all time (as seen above).
YES Broadway Penang: Met many crazily talented dancers and singers through this programme in June, and had my one minute of fame as Mrs Lovett.
A Place To Call Home, the musical: My second full-length libretto, and my first try at actually
directing. Conclusion remains that... I suck at directing, but it was a great experience. Oh. I also suck at costumes (no big surprise) and overall stage designery stuff.
Launch of annatsp.com: I finally launched my own
website after thinking about it for a long time, and also launched my facebook
Stories from A Place To Call Home: Published a book of flash fiction based on the musical, and have 143 downloads to-date.
I'm pretty happy with this, seeing that I haven't really been doing much promotion for it.
Bali and Phuket: Two trips this year, with wonderful friends and CG members. I enjoyed the breaks even if they put me in frightening places!
GTLF2012: Attended my first Literary Festival! Also met a writer friend and attended the launch of her third novel.
Nanowrimo 2012: Finished for the fourth time. And realised that I really need to get round to editing all these words that are lying around and
do something with them. I suppose that will be 2013's goal.
Coursera: Got my first cert from Coursera.org for the Greek & Roman Mythology course! I struggled through some of the stuff... but it was fun all the same.
Giveaways: Ran my first giveaway on a whim. Experimented with Rafflecopter. I might do this again. On another whim, depending.
Big Bad Wolf: Finally visited the Big Bad Wolf sale and came home very happy. I've already read 5 of the 19. All the unread books, which now fill 3 book shelves, are going into my read goals for 2013. I really need to clear those shelves out.
Hasn't it been a really busy year? I felt quite tired going through all the things that have been happening. Looking over it now, I
really don't know how I did it.
2012 has been a good year overall, even if I didn't think it was while I struggled through it.
I wonder what 2013 will be like?