Thursday 5 December 2019

#bookreview: Dear Author: Letters from a Bookish Fangirl | Laura A. Grace

Dear Author: Letters from a Bookish FangirlDear Author: Letters from a Bookish Fangirl by Laura A. Grace
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you've ever had a down day, wondering whether anything you've ever written is worth the paper it's printed on (or the screen it's... pixeled on...?), Laura's "Dear Author" is sure to put a smile on your face--or some tears on your cheeks.

Accompanied by extremely cute illustrations, this book is a welcome pick-me-up for beleaguered authors everywhere.

Note: I received an e-ARC of this book from the author. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

View all my reviews

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  1. I will look this one up for sure. Thank you for the review.

  2. AHHHHH! Thank you Anna!!! *cries* You bless me, friend! SO glad you enjoyed Dear Author!
