Sunday 28 August 2011

On being unusually social (and yet not)

So I've been fairly busy in a social sort of way this week, despite being crazily maxed out at work.

First of all, I finally signed up at goodreads, and spent several hours rating books that I've read so far. Well, not all the books I've read, obviously, but at least those that I remember reading and can remember if I like. I realized that there are quite a few books I think I've read, but I'm not quite sure. There are also books that sound very, very familiar, but I can't tell off the title if I've read them or if I browsed through them at the store or if I (possibly) heard about them from someone. It's all very annoying. Hopefully by rating and reviewing on goodreads I'll get better in that aspect. And yes, I do intend to start reviewing books, which I've said quite often I will do, but never quite got round to doing. The next two books on my to review list are Damyanti's A to Z stories of life and death and Anne Riley's The Clearing. Awesome writers - check them out!

Next, Damyanti invited me to triberr, which is this social-media-sharing-thingy which tweets out new blogposts of your tribe on the tribe members' twitter (does that make sense?) so I've been catching up on some pretty good writer bloggers and tweeters. Which makes me sad because i haven't been blogging regularly. These people post almost every day!

Which brings me round to the next social project I'm thinking of, which is to join the writers' platform building campaign. Why? Because it looks like fun. Also, because I need more external incentives to blog because I tend to do more stuff if I tell other people I'm doing it, because I'm internally VERY lazy). And that's too many 'becauses' in one paragraph. 
[Edit: 29/8 - just signed up!]

Other random realisation of the day: I'm still really bad at typing on my iPad. 


  1. I am doing the Campaign too. I've met some great people so far!

  2. I'm also in the Campaign and it's an awesome thing, letting to find really great blogs and people!

  3. Thanks for the shout out :)...and no worries, I can wait for the review lol

    Join the #writecampaign will be fun and you can participate as much or as little as you like depending on the time available.

  4. Hi all: I've finally signed up! Yay you for dropping by! <3

  5. Welcome to the campaign! I look forward to reading more from you and sharing encouragement!

  6. Hi! Welcome to the campaign! Glad to meet you.

  7. I'm a fellow Campaigner and just wanted to say "hi". We are in the same YA group. Looking forward to your posts :-)

  8. Thanks for following :) Isn't this campaign fun?! I'm following you as well now...
