Wednesday 21 September 2011

pre post camp post,

if that even makes sense.
I wanted to do a long post about camp. But I've been terribly busy at work trying to clear the backlog, and then I spent forever writing up (or rather editing) a travel advisory for the GCF delegates coming for the planning meeting for EAGC 2013 and my eyes can't stay open a moment longer. [Evangel asked me, don't you ever sleep? You sent me this at 2 AM and I see you online now (that was about 10AM on Tuesday morning).]
But I'll just leave you with a thought I've been mulling over since the session on discernment: what would you do different if you were to really know who and whose you were?

The other thing I have been mulling over would be to come up with some kind of blogging and/or writing schedule.
This would generally look something like this (with reference my past blogging trends):
Sundays (or sometimes Monday nights) - some deep reflective post and/or rant involving church, worship, cell group and God.
Fridays (or sometimes Saturday mornings) - #fridayflash
I should probably add in a day for updates on writing progress (hah! What progress?) which could possibly on Wednesdays, just to even it up.
We'll see how it goes. (This normally means that nothing will happen because I get too busy and/or lazy)


  1. Hey Natz,

    I'm right there with you on the work front. What's hard is that you know you should be writing, but other stuff just seems to creep up.

    Sounds like you're doing important stuff, though. So don't let blogging worry you. You'll get to it when you do. We'll all be here campaigning away.

  2. Hey Reinhardt!

    Thanks. I read on someone's blog (I forget who) that they DO schedule in time for blogging AND commenting on blogs. It looks like a good practice that I should be working at. Have a good campaign!

    Difficult question, isn't it? I'll be waiting for your answer (please find out soon, I'm an impatient kind of person).
