My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Frost is really a quick read.
The compilation consists of 6 brand-new short stories that explore various aspects of life in QaiMaj, along with a short commentary from Tay-Song, followed by a preview of Dream of a Vast Blue Cavern, the first in the Dreams of QaiMaj series, plus appendices -- which is a bonus if you haven't read that one yet or you're wondering if you should invest your time in it.
Dreamer -- I liked this one. It's a charming piece about Stasia as a child and how Glace was assigned as her guard, but didn't really give me any new insights.
Guildless -- This is a gripping story of betrayal; I vaguely remember Norle from the books, but don't think much of his background is revealed there (I could have just forgotten), so this was interesting both as an origin story as well as insight into how the guilds work.
Warrior -- oh, Larc. Ingenuity and self-discovery is the core of this one. And also, misplaced dreams.
Fisher -- this is probably my favourite of the six. It explores the relationship and dynamics between the humans and the Icers. It's at once immensely down-to-earth, telling you how to fish, whilst being philosophical, as Katu ponders on Icers and the mystery of perfection.
Player -- I don't really know about this one. It's part origin (?) story, part ridiculousness, part economics. Liked the theatrics, meh about the story itself, I guess. Or maybe I just never really personally cared too much for/about Casser.
Slink -- Well, it's about Glace, so... =)
Overall, not a bad read. I'd say a good primer for those who are considering getting into the series, and maybe a nice refresher for those who've already read it.
Note: I received a digital copy of this book from the author. I was given the book with no expectation of a positive review and the review is my own.
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Edit: Have been updated that the preview isn't quite as long anymore! But you're reading it for the short stories anyway...
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