My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I... kind of regret putting this off for so long, because I really, really, really enjoyed this book! But the plus side of putting it off so long is... I supposed I can now just get all the other 3 (4?) books in this series and binge them at a go.
View all my reviews
I've apparently read 3 books already this year, but written 0 reviews (well, now a very short 1), mostly because I have been busy trying to write. "Trying" being the operative word here, because I'm not being as prolific as I would like.
I'm trying to finish off edits on the Tea Novel so I can get that sent out.
But I'm also working on another novel that I want to finish drafting before CNY so...
Probably need to be a leeeeetle bit more consistent in sitting down and working on it!
Tea update: currently still obsessed with Empress Grey, alternating with ChaTraMue Red label.
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