Friday 14 October 2011

Some shameless self promotion

I'm excited to announce that my previous friday flash "Dear ten year old self" has been published in a collection of stories here: Letters to My Ten Year Old Self!
It started off as a writing prompt by Nina Pelletier, full-time writer who lives in Ontario, Canada, and has been compiled by Nina and Drew Nicholson on smashwords via their the soon-to-be-online publishing house Scriptorum Tantillum.
If you liked my entry, I'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy the book!
Get it here!
[Edit: I realise I didn't say something I should have - the book is currently free on Smashwords. So go download your copy now!]


  1. Congrats!!! I've put it on the wish list.

  2. Very cool. That's great news!

  3. Congratulations. That's awesome.

  4. Congrats! I followed the link and read your original post. It's lovely and charming!

  5. @Joshua - Hope you've already got your copy :)

    @Ron & Michael - Thanks a bunch. It feels awesome :)

    @Adriene - Thanks! Hope you enjoy the book as well.
