Thursday 26 April 2012

WYSIWYG and why I'm not geek enough to write about it #atozchallenge

WYSIWYG ( /ˈwɪziwɪɡ/ WIZ-ee-wig)[1] is an acronym for what you see is what you get. The term is used in computing to describe a system in which content (text and graphics) displayed onscreen during editing appears in a form closely corresponding to its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product,[2] which might be a printed document, web page, or slide presentation.

I was initially rather interested in the word for today, WYSIWYG, which stands for What You See Is What You Get, until I realised that I’m not geek enough to write about it. I mean, QWERTY was one thing, which I made into a flash fiction about an unusually named geek. But WYSIWYG? Really, WYSIWYG is the reason I’m even able to write this here post on blogspot and do half my work on word and excel without me going absolutely bonkers (and I suppose many of you too).

I mean, head on over to the wikipedia page (linked above) and if you REALLY GET what you read after the first bit that I quoted, then YAY you! I’m not even sure I understand WYSIWYG right anymore, after reading all that.

On one hand, I’m IT savvy enough to seem to be the unofficial backup (ha-ha) IT go-to person at work, but… on the other hand, WYSIWYG is the reason I’m able to do that. I just CLICK THE BUTTONS. I like buttons. Buttons are easy to use. Just don't ask me about code.


3 more posts and we're done with A to Z and April!
It's been a crazy month... so I'm looking forward to not blogging so much next month. I think all I've scheduled for next month is M. Pax's book launch (you can still sign up to host her launch here), the round up post for A to Z (not sure when that is, or what I'll write) and I suppose, resuming my weekly Fireplace series.

Also, if you're around Penang on May 5th, do drop by at PISA at 6PM for the Revolution Tour!
p/s I'm dancing. LOL!


  1. Ok, that was hilarious.
    I have officially been dubbed the "tech person" at work, but on my first day my supervisor asked if I knew how to use WYSIWYG. I had no idea what he was talking about, because I'd never heard someone use it as a word. It was just something I learned to use without realizing it.
    However, I've also designed sites in HTML which comes in handy even if you primarily use WYSIWYG - much easier to fix a glitch.

    1. Hey Felicia!
      Yeah, when I read what WYSIWYG meant, there was a mental "Oohhh. So that's what it's called".
      I've fiddled enough with my blog to fix up minor HTML problems but that's the extent of my knowledge!

  2. It's funny sometimes how it's just a matter of clicking the right buttons to accomplish the task . . .

    The Golden Eagle
    The Eagle's Aerial Perspective

    1. Yup. But I suppose it's also a matter of skill to figure out which buttons to press.

  3. Buttons were meant to be pushed. Push 'em

    1. Oooo what does this button do?

  4. Hi there. Found you through A-Z. Only three more letters to go!

    1. Hello! Yup... it's almost over
      *sigh of semi-relief tinged with sadness*
