Tuesday 11 February 2014

announcing the #atozchallenge theme reveal! #atozreveal

Okay, so the last I checked yesterday, there are 650 people signed up for the A to Z blogging challenge 2014. (SIGN UP HERE NOW).
(Mini recap: 26 posts from A to Z in April.)

Soooooo last year, A to Z Participant Mina Lobo started the Theme Reveal Blogfest and this year #TeamDamyanti is getting the ball rolling for the unofficial (hopefully annual) unveiling of your A TO Z THEME! *clap clap clap*

P/s Drop by and greet the other hosts of this reveal: Csenge, Guilie, Samantha and Vidya! Especially Samantha who did our beautiful badge!

Okay, so the theme is not necessary, but some people like to have one... and I think I have an inkling of a theme already! It's something to do with stories from countries which have this:

But I'm not saying anything more until the reveal on March 21st, 2014.

So what on earth do YOU need to do?

Just sign up on the linky list below, and publish a post on the 21st of March talking about your A to Z Theme - tell us what your theme will be, and why it would be interesting for your existing readers and A to Z Participants.

This would be a great opportunity for you to link up with other A-to-Z-ers, and by the time the challenge begins in April, you'll have an audience waiting for your posts.

Sounds great?



  1. Anna! Congratulations on your Reveal! I love your ideas for the different years you participated in the AtoZ Challenge. Last year, I just winged it, and may do so again this year, but I'm so looking forward to having you as a fellow minion on #teamDamyanti! I think this is splendid! Kudos to Samantha Geary at writerlysam.com for the awesome-est badge ever! I'm honored to be in this group with you and all the other "Fair Ladies" of #teamDamyanti! ~~Mary

    1. Mary!
      Yea, isn't Samantha's badge the awesomest ever!
      I'm loving the vibe in #TeamDamyanti. Love you all!

  2. I am a first time visitor to your blog. Getting ready for my second A To Z. Can't wait

    1. Hi Paula,
      Thanks for visiting! Glad to have you with us for A to Z again! :D

  3. Lovely post, Anna - I can't wait to see your theme :D

    1. Thanks Jemima.
      I hope it doesn't disappoint!

  4. Sigh. Already revealed my theme. Oh, and if you're writing about snow - we're right in the middle of a HUGE snowstorm here. So if u want to know about the white stuff...lemme know. :-)

    1. Oh well... you could re-reveal?
      Well, not quite ABOUT snow... heh

  5. I'm looking out my front door and see nothing BUT your powdery theme, which has flocked our lovely neighborhood and hijacked travel plans for the foreseeable future. Which means, I have more time to chat with my fellow house elves and drink wine:)

    1. Oh dear. Please forgive the enthusiasm of someone from a tropical country. (First time I saw/felt/experienced snow! Woot!)

      Hope the house elves are good company!

  6. The first time I saw and felt snow for real was last year when we visited Toronto - it wasn't much, but it freaked me out. Can't wait to see what your theme will be, Anna.

    I am going to enjoy being connected with you - you touched my heart when you emailed me and made my life easier!

    Hugs and looking forward to all the fun!

    A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal BlogFest – Sign Up Now #atozchallenge #atozreveal

  7. Thanks for being a part of this great pre-Challenge event.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out
