Thursday 15 December 2011

in which the natzers tries to summarise many things in one post

So Project Dance is over, and for the benefit of Anne, I shall show her how my friend's drama run sheet, which is super cool, compares to MY run sheet, which is super confusing. Runsheet #fail.
Okay, so maybe they're not really comparable.

Well, I'm currently reading In Leah's Wake for the Social Media Whirlwind tour and should get the review up by this Friday. I think I can read that fast. Am enjoying it so far - take a peek at her interview yesterday and I would appreciate it plenty mucho if you would take the time to vote for my blog here. You can click on "click here to enter for the prizes" which may win you something, and then you can click on "click here to vote" which will put me in the running for a prize too. So it's a win-win, yes?
*makes super cute puss-in-boots eyes* - which reminds me I still haven't watched it yet, even though I've been saying for ages that I want to.

Also, check out Josh's interview here - and if you haven't already bought his CD or attended his album launch, this is a reminder that his next release performances are as follows:
Other album release performances:
17 Dec (Sat) 8pm @ Fettes Park Baptist Church (FPBC) (15 Jalan Meranti,11200 Tanjung Bungah, Penang)
18 Dec (Sun) 8pm @ FGA Centre Air Itam (10, Jalan Air Itam, Mukim 16 Air Itam, 11500 Penang)