Tuesday 9 October 2012

To NaNo or not to NaNo, that is the question

So it's 9 days into October and that means that NaNoWriMo is just around the corner. I've logged in and activated my profile, so if you want to buddy up, do by all means.

The problem now is I DON'T HAVE A NOVEL IDEA YET! Then again, I hardly ever do until the end of October (or sometimes the beginning of November) anyway, so I'm not quite sure if I'm really going to do it this year. Besides, I have 3 years' worth of NaNo-novels to finish editing and whipping into shape, as well as another half-finished novel that I want to finish sometime in the future.
And I have that Coursera course on Greek and Roman Mythology that I'm midway through...
And the EAGC website I need to look at prep articles for...
And the short story book I'm working on...
And Christmas is coming...

Then again, it's November. And NaNoWriMo. It's this time of the year that you really get a lot of people urging you on, plus a legitimate reason to hide yourself in a hole and write because "I really want to win that cert".

What do you think? Should I, or should I not?


  1. You should go for it if you can think it can help you kickstart a novel. I have never done it before. I signed up once and created a username and profile, but that's about it.

    I have a lot of story ideas, some pretty far along, so I have plenty of inspiration to write. I know it works for some, so that's cool.

    1. Good for you, Ron!
      I only wish I were as diligent every day as I can be in November (*kicks self*)

  2. Yes, go for it! Even if you don't finish at least you'll have a new novel started. This will be my 4th year participating and I'm excited!

    Good luck deciding on an idea!

    1. Thanks Laura!
      I'm scouring around for ideas now.
      All the best to you too! :)

    2. Hi Laura, if you want to buddy up on nano, I'm under elizabeth rose

  3. I wasn't sure either as I'm in the middle of completing a book ready to send to my agent to see if it's in good enough shape to send out to publishers. However. I've learned that a bit of space from the current WIP can really help when you redraft - so I thought, why not? I'll have another first draft and two other books in different stages (completion & submitted/nearing completion) so it'll give me a fresh body of work to focus on afterwards. I say go for it! (Especially since I've now added you as a buddy!) The idea might come while writing - which is good too. Hope to see you there.

    1. Hmmm... sounds like good advice. Am hoping story ideas start popping by the time November rolls around.

      I've added you back, btw.

  4. I'll tell you to go for it in spite of the fact that I've never done it. I have the ideas, but not the patience or fortitude to commit to actually writing that much in a short period of time. So, I have the greatest respect for everyone who does...or tries!!! Good luck :-)

  5. Personally, I always try to do NaNo. I hate feeling like I'm missing out! LOL

    Though I do understand not wanting to start something new, when you have half finished novels that need editing.

    I'm rebelling this year, and finishing off the novel I started for August Camp NaNo.

    I've added you as a buddy, good luck if you do take part this year. :D

    1. Yeah, I don't want to miss out on the fun...

      I've added you back, and best of luck to you too!

  6. Should. Just the act of writing will help your work in general. I never published the novel I wrote the year I finished NaNo, but I was able to use the material in other works. Have fun!
