Sunday 10 January 2016

Coexist: preorder is available!

So an update on the writing front! (Since I don't do much of those)

Today I got my dad to print out my final final copy of Coexist so I can do a final read/proof before uploading it to Smashwords and Amazon. Well, he actually printed it Friday night but I came home late and didn't realise that he did until he told me. So I technically "got" it today. Goal for Monday: READ THE WHOLE THING WITHOUT DYING. (Of embarrassment or excitement, either one.)

And! The final cover has just arrived in my inbox and it's so pretty I don't know if I can wait until March for the cover reveal. Heck, I might want to do the cover reveal in Feb! Shall I? *eyes sign up form and considers changing dates*

I guess I will keep the date for now though I really do want to upload the cover on Amazon and Smashwords because it's so pretty. Would having a cover reveal tour work in March if the cover is already uploaded along with the book? (Advice is welcome!)

A note on the cover! 
I ordered a cover from Octagonlab (affiliate link, *hint hint*). Okay. I got the heads up on Octagonlab via Writers On Social, which was one of my attempts to be erm... social. Not sure I  have been, but hey, I got a lead on a great and cheap cover site as well as a book for review (Algorithm - check it out this Wednesday) so I guess it's already paid off a little. 
Surfed the site, saw some pretty covers, checked out the pricing and found an offer for 30% off so I went with it. Then I saw an affiliate program and told myself that I would sign up for it if I liked my cover. I love my cover and so here I am promoting it to y'all. Hee =)

So yes. I am releasing Coexist on March 31, 2016. I moved the release date up by one day, not because of April's Fool, but because I want to have a dedicated post on my blog to celebrate the release and I already have a plan for the A to Z blog challenge that starts April 1 - 30. 

If you want to grab an ARC for review or if you're willing to host me on your blog during the tour on April 1 - 9 (or for the cover reveal on March 1), please do let me know! The sign-up post is here
You can also sign up to be on my ARC list so that you'll always be able to grab a free copy of my books for review.

That's it for today! 

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