Friday 15 April 2016

#AtoZChallenge: Motive

The struggle over your motive isn’t unique to worship leading. It’s something every Christian in every ministry goes through. I think it’s just especially real and tangible for those in the arts because that’s really where fame and attention is gathered. Someone in, say, traffic ministry (helping direct traffic and parking) is probably not going to struggle with their motives and their need for fame as much as someone who is on the stage, a visible presence that everyone pays attention to for maybe the first 30 minutes of church.

There will be days when you know your motives are pure. You’re doing this because you love to worship God. You want to be in His presence, to revel in His love. You really want to help usher the church into God’s presence. You want to show people the way into this place that you’ve glimpsed before and you hope to go deeper into. Your heart beats for God and you know that He’s your only focus.

Then there are the days when you’re feeling a little diva-ish, and you know you sing (or play) better than that person there, and why on earth did they choose this song, or what are the musicians trying to do, mess up the song? And you need a reality check to remember that hey, this worship session isn’t about you at all. It’s about God. It’s about bringing your best to God and offering back to Him the talent He has blessed you with. Not about how great you sounded or looked on stage.

But it’s difficult. We live with divided hearts. Our culture promotes musicians and singers as “idols” or “stars” and it’s easy for the church to fall into that mind-set. Christian musicians who start off in church and crossed over to mainstream, “secular” music with the intention of bringing Christ to world often have failed miserably, ending up being dragged down into the mire instead of lifting people up.

Worship leading is a dangerous call. Lucifer led the angels in worship before he decided that he wanted all the glory for himself.

Check your motives and keep your pride in check.


Are you an A to Z blogger? Send me a message on my facebook page or twitter with your blog name and number and I will send you a coupon to get Coexist on Smashwords for only $0.99!

About the book:

Jane Hays has been told all her life that it’s dangerous to be out in the forest past sundown. At fifteen, she’s quite sure that it’s all old wives’ tales... yet, why does her village bar the gates every night? Why do they even have gates? When she is caught in an unexpected rainstorm on her way home, Jane ignores all the warnings and seeks shelter in a cottage in the middle of the forest. Soon, she is caught up in a world of magic and beauty – and in the storm of the Fairy Queen’s wrath.

The Fairy Queen is out for blood. There have been intruders – human intruders – in her domain and she will stop at nothing to find them and kill them. After all, it is only fair. She is only seeking retribution for the death that humans leave in their wake.

But Jane isn’t all that she seems to be. And the events of the night aren’t as innocent as they appear.

A tale of magic, fairy creatures and family, Coexist is a novella for the young and the young-at-heart.

Get Coexist on Amazon or Smashwords. Check out Book Depository or Createspace for paperbacks!



  1. Gotta keep that pride in check. Pride comes before a fall and I've learned my lessons over the years.

    I’m exploring different types of dreams and their meanings.
    M is for Movies
    Stephen Tremp’s Breakthrough Blogs

    1. Yeah. Still learning that one! Hard, isn't it?

  2. I think the opposite can be true as well. We can be so focused on our motives that we begin to suspect every reason we want to do something for God which can freeze us in our service. I've really struggled with knowing I CAN do something for someone because I'm a nice person, not because I have an ulterior motive. It's kind of a catch 22. Nice post.
    Impromptu Promptlings

    1. Yes, that's very true. I guess it's all about finding a balance.
